Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Points and Coins

Last year we discovered our credit card points. I mean I guess we always knew we had them, and we had used them before for merchandise, but never for traveling. Last year we decided to use them for a little vacation. It was great!
This year we picked it up a bit.
We have been using cash for our purchases. When you use cash you get change. Coins. I don't really like counting coin....so I don't. I started saving my coins in jars. When vacation time rolled around I decided to cash my coin in. The kids loved it. We went to the bank and poured the jars into the machine and out popped a receipt with how much we had saved. It is amazing how much coins can add up. It was a great lesson in how saving even a little bit can add up over time.
I was very excited that I was able to pay for our little mini vacation with points and coins.
We have already began saving for next years trip. I think everyone will be excited to put their spare coin into the jar this year.