Saturday, October 1, 2011

Morning Waffles

 This is another one of my baby girl.  Ok, she is almost 6 but she is my baby!  I can not call her my main inspiration because she does not like everything I!  One of her favorites is waffles-YUM!  This morning she was up early saying in her sweet voice.. Mommy, I am hungry!  I suggested waffles and got a beautiful little girl smile.  How could I not jump right out of bed and whip up some waffles.  She is my official helper in the kitchen and did most of the work this morning, even mixing with the hand mixer, that was a big thrill for her!  

The final product served up on a Longaberger woven tradition dinner plate in paprika and a little whip cream.  You can't have waffles without some coffee.  It was a great morning!
Don't forget to freeze your leftover waffles for easy morning breakfasts.  Just pop in the toaster and you have a warm homemade breakfast any time!