Thursday, December 22, 2011

Malted Milk Ball Chewies

I have a favorite cookie!  And this is it!  These cookies for me are BAD news!  I can not have them in the house for too long.  It just takes to much self control!

These cookies take a little attention to make, but they are well worth the end product.

A few little tips:
*Chop up the milk balls in the food processor.  I use a large milk box looking box of milk balls (you can find it in the candy isle at Publix)
* Don't put too many on a cookie sheet.  They really spread out.  I usually only do 6 on a sheet.
*Bake cookies at 350 for 8 minutes.  Remove from oven but let cookies sit on cookie sheet for about 6 minutes before you remove them and place them on a cooling rack.  Carefully scrape cookies with a spatula.  They should pop right off the pan.

These took me a couple tries to master...but I am so glad I didn't give up.

I use a food processor to chop up the milk balls very fine

It always says to put dry ingredients in a seperate bowl....I never do unless it is a large amount of flour.
That is one more bowl to clean!

The recipe came from a blog I love too.  I have gotten a lot of great recipes from her blog.  
It is a great one to visit every once in a while!
